1 题型介绍
1. 数量比较题
2. 单项选择题
有多个选项 注意看最后一句话(是选择对的还是不对的)
3. 不定项选择题
4. 数字填空题
2 计算器的使用
在关键步骤还是用计算器 特别是填空,会有四舍五入就需要使用计算器
3 知识点讲解(只挑我觉得有用的记录)
- 除以3/9的余数等于各项和除以3/9的余数, 除以2看最后一位,4看最后两位,8看最后三位
- interval:区间
- ratio of s to t: s/t(注意顺序)
- multiple 倍数的意思
- quotient商
- divisor除数
4 题型分类
- integers
- factors and multiples
- quotients and remainders
- odd and even number
- prime and composite number
- fractions
- exponents and roots
- decimals
- real number
- ratio
- percent
- algebraic expression
- exponents
- linear equations
- quadratic equations
- linear equalities
- functions
- interests(利率)
- coordinate geometry(解析几何)
- straight lines
- graph of functions
Data Analysis
- Graphical Methods for Describing Data(频率分布图、直方图那些)
- Numeriacal Methods for Describing Data
- Counting Methods (排列组合)
- Probability
- Distributions of Data, Random Variables, and Probability Distribution
- Data interpretation