Yue Yang

yygx cs.unc.edu


Chapel Hill, NC, 27599

I am currently a Computer Science PhD student at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) , under the co-supervision of Prof. Daniel J. Szafir and Prof. Gedas Bertasius. Prior to embarking on this academic journey, I pursued my Master’s degree in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech). During my time at GaTech, I worked closely with Prof. Matthew Gombolay. I was fortunate to collaborate with Prof. Greg Turk as well. It’s a true privilege to have worked with these outstanding academics.

My research interests lie in Robotics, Machine Learning (ML), and their application in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). I am passionate about solving the following research questions:

  • Data: Scalable Robot Data (e.g., Demonstrations) Collection.
    1. What are the more efficient or user-friendly way to collect demonstration?
    2. Can we generate demonstrations via motion planner / generative models?
    3. Can we solve the sim-to-real gap so that we could enable scalable data collection in the simulation environment?
  • Controller: Scalable Robot Policy Learning from Videos.
    1. How to enable cross-embodiment learning? For example, learn robot policy from human videos.
    2. Can the policy generalize to different goals/objects/tasks?
    3. Can we learn policy for Long horizonal tasks?
  • Deployment: Human-in-the-loop Robot Behaviors Correction.
    1. When the robot needs to ask human for help?
    2. How the human could best help the robot? i.e., what modalities (e.g., language, visual information) are the best fit for human to help robot?

I eagerly anticipate any forms of opportunities for collaboration within the realm of ML and Robotics :) Feel free to reach me most reliably through email!

I believe in Slow Science.